In the mid-1970s Andrew Ritchie, an engineer, radically improved the standard design for folding bicycles. The rear subframe and wheel of the Brompton folds down and beneath the central frame, enabling the bicycle to be compressed to less than two feet square. With the handlebars folded down, front wheel folded back, and nearside pedal folded up, it is under 11 inches wide, and weighs just 27 lbs. Once a shed (well, bedroom) wonder, and now recognised as an engineering marvel, the Brompton can be ready for action in 20 seconds.

Brompton T-bag and mounting block ordered from Websters Cycles of Leicester, and delivered the next day. Excellent service and thus recommended: www.mailordercycles.com. Fitting the block isn't entirely intuitive, but there's a useful video on YouTube.
I just can't see how you'd ride it! You're way too tall!
The seat is mated to an especially extended seatpost!
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